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Get Ready For Summer !


For Everyone Who Wants to Be Their BEST
Drop-In General Workouts for EVERYONE

wear regular workout clothes
(Floor is padded so no street shoes. Bring other soft sole shoes, or socks or bare feet.)

Mix & Match Any Portions or the Entire Evening ...
- Light Movement -
- Stretching -
- Cardio-Strength-Defense -
- Women's Self-Defense -
(Details Below)

Only $20

One time fee for the whole month!
the sooner you start the more value you get

Available Every Wenesday & Friday Evening
(except Friday, April 17th)

-- Click Here to Pre-Register --

5:00·5:45 pm · Light Movement
Good to unwind after work or get moving for the evening. This soft exercise is good for everyone, whether you're out of shape or top notch. Get your body moving and working effectively with soft movements based on various east-Asian exercises.

5:45·6:30 pm · Stretching
A wonderful whole body routine for all levels. Good for beginners to pretzels. Based on exercisises and positions from a variety of sources, this routine is designed to recover from injury and get your body able to perform at peak ability. Our floor is padded and good for socks and barefeet, but you can also bring your own mat/pad if you'd like.

6:30·7:00 pm · Cardio-Strength-Defense
Work at your own pace and rest when necessary, but this portion of the evening has the intensity to get you into top shape. This half-hour workout combines pure cardio with cardio-strength movements and some powerful self-defense moves. You'll be amazed at what you can do and feel incredibly empowered.

7:00·7:45 pm · Women's Self-Defense
Learn how to protect and empower yourself. Be prepared for the rest of the night and the rest of your life. Learn and practice high quality, powerful, practical self-defense moves and concepts from the top instructors in the Twin Cities. This IS our specialty!

These general training sessions/evenings are designed for everyone - from teens to professionals from recreational athletes to top performers to the currently out of shape to seniors. They are free format. You can come in and out throughout the evenings and the various seesions anytime in a casual manner, rest when you want, push to the extreme when you're ready, attend the evenings that you can/want. $20 gets you access to as much or as little as you'd like for April. We are planning to have other sessions, starting in Summer and Fall. So if you like it you can plan to continue.

Have a wonderful April and start getting ready for Summer! -- Pre-Register - Today!

The outside of the building (and hallway) looks dated, but the inside of the studio is very nice. A map is available Here.

Questions? Please Contact Us!